01 Abr

Nueva noticia de AAPAC

Ya se encuentra disponible el segundo número de la revista Science Reviews from the End of the World, editado por el Prof. Dr. Fabio Doctorovich, destacado especialista del Instituto de Investigaciones Químicas de Materiales, Ambiente y Energía (INQUIMAE) y Departamento de Química Inorgánica, Analítica y Química Física de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Para leerlo, entrar en http://www.scirevfew.net/index.php/sciencereviews/issue/view/2 . A continuación el Editorial:

Awesome Chemistry from the End of the World


The second number of this first volume of Science Reviews from the End of the World, is dedicated to chemistry, more specifically, charge transfer processes in transition metal complexes. While Profs. Katz and Wolcan discuss the subject  focused  on  inorganic  complexes  (attached  to  polymers  in  the  case  of  Wolcan),  Profs.  Murgida  and  Brondino  et  al dedicate their reviews to metalloproteins. Therefore, we could say that the areas represented in this issue are inorganic, organometallic and bioinorganic chemistry.

The  four  featured  researchers  and  their  groups  are  from  different  cities  of  Argentina,  distributed  throughout the  country: Buenos Aires, La Plata, Santa Fe and Tucumán. They are world leaders in their fields and regularly publish their research in first-class journals. As an editor, I am not only pleased but also thankful that they have accepted to participate in this journal, which is not only just starting, but also edited at the End of the World.

We decided to add this subtitle to the journal, at first because of the famous lighthouse located at the very south of Argentina, referred to by Jules Verne in his novel The Lighthouse at the End of the World

However, this is not the only reason for using this reference – since our country is the southernmost country in South of America, we are often quite isolated from the rest of the world. Not only because of the distances that we have to travel – especially nowadays, with airplanes that make travelling a fast and easy journey – but also due to the high costs associated with that. In general, the grants provided by the State are quite tiny, a tenth or even a hundredth of the amounts granted in Europe, USA and other first-world countries. Nevertheless, our works are judged in the first-class journals by applying the same rules and guidelines applied to any submitted manuscript, which makes the works presented in this «editorial anomaly» even more attractive and unique.

Fabio Doctorovich



Página de AAPAC, www.aargentinapciencias.org, se pueden acceder al número anterior de esta revista, como así también a las demás revistas editadas por AAPC, Ciencia e Investigación y Ciencia e Investigación Reseñas, a noticias destacadas en ciencia y tecnología y a secciones especiales como Rincón Matemático y Grandes Temas Ambientales.

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